Does your temperament fit your business or career? I know some people feel unclear, stressed or stuck because their temperament is incompatible to what they’re doing.
One prospective client wished for her business to grow. She repeatedly told me she was a people person, and gets energized by being with people, yet her business is mostly online and is highly introverted. She was successful in expressing herself on stage but couldn’t make the connection that her business most likely wasn’t growing because it wasn’t reflective of her natural talents and abilities.
Regarding your business or career, knowing yourself is just as important as knowing what you want to do. Unfortunately, often, the latter proceeds the former. Of course, things change, and people grow and become more aware, however, I hear how people went into things because they thought it was a good idea, or it’ll make them a lot of money, without considering other factors.
Another prospective client went into finance but found it to be a high stress job. She realized she’s not crazy about the job, desires some form of consistency and routine, a smaller team and more support.
Often, we learn what we want from experiencing what we don’t want. Experience can be a great teacher as they say. A lot of people who choose an ill-suited business or career do so from a lack of experience or from a lack of self-knowledge, or both. There are other reasons, of course, like parental expectations or societal influence.
What we can control and expedite is greater self-awareness, however. What do you value? What do you value in a business or workplace? What are your needs and preferences regarding work? Do you like nurturing work environments or high intensity, all out work cultures? What are your strengths and natural abilities? Etcetera.
It’s okay if your answers change over time, however, these are good questions to ask to become more clear and less stuck.
If you don’t know yourself, or have some idea, you can easily lose yourself in your job just like in a relationship. Your job becomes your whole identity and possibly the only thing you do.
Getting a better understanding of who you are will benefit you in every area of your life, not just in a business or career. It typically translates to more confidence, better boundaries, better relationships, and a greater sense of purpose.
If you’ve be unclear, stressed or stuck at work and want to learn if your business or career is a temperament fit, you can schedule a Get Acquainted & Strategy Session with me to explore this.
Best and Happy Holidays,
